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APA Referencing Guide

This online guide is an abridged version of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2020a) 7th edition manual.


APA referencing was first developed in 1929 by the American Psychological Association (APA) as a way to create uniformity in the presentation of scientific articles (APA, 2023). Since then the referencing style has evolved through seven revisions, hence why the current referencing style is termed 'APA 7'. The most recent revision aims to help "writers present their ideas in a clear, precise, and inclusive manner" (APA, 2023, para. 1).


 A visual aid with a direct quote: "The Publication Manual (has) grown in response to the needs of researchers, students, and educators across the social and behavioural sciences, health care, natural sciences, and more" (APA, 2023, para. 3).


Endeavour College has adopted the American Psychological Association (APA) style, 7th edition, as its referencing style (APA 7). All assignments and works created by Endeavour students must adhere to APA 7 guidelines, unless otherwise directed by a subject administrator. 


A visual aid listing three dots points. It says: "Why Reference? 1. acknowledges your sources 2. allows quick retrieval of information 3. omits the risk of plagiarism" 



American Psychological Association. (n.d.-a). APA style 

American Psychological Association. (n.d.-b)Student sample paper with annotations. APA Style.

American Psychological Association. (2020a). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).

American Psychological Association. (2020b, October 21). Student paper setup guide. APA Style.

American Psychological Association. (2021a, December). Sample Tables. APA Style.

American Psychological Association. (2021b, December). Table setup. APA Style.

American Psychological Association. (2022a, July). Appropriate level of citation. APA Style.

American Psychological Association. (2022b, July). Elements of reference list entries. APA Style.

American Psychological Association. (2022c, July). Font. APA Style.

American Psychological Association. (2022d, July). Headings. APA Style.

American Psychological Association. (2022e, July). Numbers expressed in numerals. APA Style.

American Psychological Association. (2022f, July). Numbers expressed in words. APA Style.

American Psychological Association. (2022g, July). Paragraph alignment and indentation. APA Style.

American Psychological Association. (2022h, July). Paraphrasing. APA Style.

American Psychological Association. (2022i, July). Quotations. APA Style.

American Psychological Association. (2022j, July). Sample papers. APA Style.

American Psychological Association. (2022k, July). Use of italics. APA Style.

American Psychological Association. (2022l, August). Citing multiple works. APA Style.

American Psychological Association. (2023, March). About APA style

McAdoo, T. (2023, April 7). How to cite ChatGPT. APA Style.

Microsoft. (n.d.-a). Add a heading.

Microsoft. (n.d.-b). Change margins

Microsoft. (n.d.-c). Create a hanging indent.

Microsoft. (n.d.-d). Double-space the lines in a document.

PSI CHI. (2022, April 5). Webinar: So you need to write a literature review/key tasks & how to accomplish them 03/16/2022 [Video]. YouTube.