Synonyms to help broaden your search:
Try to have at least three synonyms of each of your keywords when conducting a searching in EBSCO or ProQuest. For example:
Keyword 1: Treatment | Keyword 2: Condition |
ginger OR zingiber officinale OR kanshokyo | arthritis OR joint inflammation OR stiff joints |
Your advanced search attempt in our databases should look something like this:
ginger OR zingiber officinale OR kanshokyo | |
AND | arthritis OR joint inflammation OR stiff joints |
There are differences between primary and secondary articles that you will have to be able to identify in order to complete this assignment.
Primary research articles will include a hypothesis for the outcome of the experiment, the methodology that was employed throughout the experiment and the outcome of the trial. Primary research articles are often written by a person who conducted the research in question. Primary research articles include:
Secondary research articles explore information from primary sources of information in order to draw conclusions regarding particular research topics or discuss the current state of knowledge in a particular field of study. Secondary research articles will cite primary sources. These primary articles can be found in the bibliography. Secondary research articles include:
Qualitative research is observational and narrative based. It looks at people's history, experiences and circumstances when taking part in clinical research (Kempara & Chavan, 2013).
Key words to use when searching for qualitative articles:
Quantitative research is numerically based. It focuses on the statistical and mathematical collection of data to explain a particular occurence. (Babbie, 2010).
Key words to use when searching for quantitative articles:
For more information, please see the Research Design library guide.
Babbie, E. R. (2010). The practice of social research (12th ed.). Cengage.
Kempara, U., & Chavan, S. (2013). Qualitative research: A brief description. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences, 67 (3/4), 89-98.